Anthony James Insurance
ajibl.comProject Services
Insurance redesigned
Anthony James has grown to become a nationally respected independent brokerage, and is one of the few firms in Leicestershire that is truly independent. Anthony James has flourished over the last couple of years, launching sister brands Aura and Impaqt, which specialise in personal insurance and risk management.
We have partnered with Anthony James since 2019, and it was time to help reflect their knowledge, personality and position as a leading independent insurance broker.
Trusted advisors, protecting progress
Our new work for Anthony James started with a refreshed mission, Protecting Progress, to reflect their commitment to their clients, people and communities.
The strategic aim of this mission is to align Anthony James with other organisations who are not just focused on what they do today, but what they will do tomorrow, next week, next month and years to come. It’s a fresh, energetic expression that demonstrates that there is no room for complacency, and serves as an important statement about how they approach insurance.

Starting with a refreshed brand identity
The Anthony James identity has been refined and crafted to not only improve legibility, but to communicate their attributes as a trusted advisor.
The bespoke wordmark offers a new, friendlier direction. Gone are the supporting taglines, just absolute confidence, clarity and efficiency for greater visual gravitas.
Sharp, precise slants have been added to letters ‘t’, ‘h’ and ‘J’ to visually communicate progress and their corporate edge. The wordmark has been crafted to work in positive and reverse and counteracts the irradiation illusion.
The icon – in our new energetic blue – and logotype are now split into our primary brand colours to add some much needed hierarchy to the identity.

Graphic assets
At the heart of a refreshed visual system and drawing inspiration from the Anthony James icon is a powerfully simple circle silhouette we can use to tell inspired stories. Whether used for promotional posters, on Instagram, A boards or online, the consistent graphic language gives Anthony James a strong voice to connect with people across Leicestershire and beyond.
DM Sans is a versatile, modern geometric and low-contrast sans serif typeface that marries form and function. The letterforms are clear, simple and balanced to allow clarity when communicating across various touch-points in a harmonious manner.
Inter is our variable font family for body copy, carefully crafted and designed for computer screens. It’s the perfect choice for reading the small details in an insurance policy.

Website design
Designed in Adobe XD and custom built using WordPress content management system, the website is a striking, clean retelling of Anthony James, which considers every detail – right down to button hover interactions.
Beautifully designed, it also offers a strong platform for future SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) campaigns, scoring highly for performance, accessibility and website best practices on Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool.